Anime Embroidery Evangelion Rei 00 Boxed



This custom anime machine embroidery design and pattern features the Evangelion character Rei Ayanami with 00 boxed.


Sadamoto designed Rei originally as a brunette with dark eyes; however, it was necessary to distinguish her from the other female protagonist Asuka Langley Soryu, so he designed her with eye and hair colors opposite to Asuka’s. Ukina, a character from Sadamoto’s previous work Koto, served as Rei’s model, and the artist gave her “shaggy, bobbed, wolf-like hair”. Anno also suggested that Rei’s eye color be red, a feature he believed would give her more personality and distinguish her design from those of the other characters.[6] Her hair color changed to blue, similarly to the main character from Aoki Uru.

If you want to create your own custom anime embroidery project that features Evangelion Rei 00 boxed, here is what is included in this package and pattern.


Large Design Properties:
Width: 226mm
Height: 166mm
Stitch count: 62,296
Sewing time: 140 min.
Color count: 9

Medium Design Properties:
Width: 170mm
Height: 125mm
Stitch count: 39,955
Sewing time: 108 min.
Color count: 9

Small Design Properties:
Width: 99mm
Height: 73mm
Stitch count: 17,568
Sewing time: 58 min.
Color count: 9

Files Included:
6 formats: .pes .dst .hus .exp .jef .xxx
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print

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