Anime Embroidery Pattern DB Trunks Lineart



This custom anime machine embroidery design and pattern features the Dragonball DB character Trunks done in a redwork lineart style.


Trunks has either blue or lavender hair color and his mother‘s blue eyes. He has his father’s eye shape, facial features and tanned skin. He’s taller, and along with having blue hair, he also wears a purple vest, black shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes with red outlines.  In Dragon Ball GT, Trunks wears a black long-sleeved shirt with a blue bandana, brown leather gloves, a light tan blazer.

If you want to create your own custom anime embroidery project that features Dragonball DB Trunks in a lineart style, here is what is included in this package and pattern.


Large Design Properties:
Width: 6 inches
Height: 7 inches
Stitch count: 4,846
Sewing time: 12 min.
Color count: 1

Medium Design Properties:
Width: 4 inches
Height: 5 inches
Stitch count: 4,481
Sewing time: 11 min.
Color count: 1

Small Design Properties:
Width: 3 inches
Height: 3 inches
Stitch count: 4,350
Sewing time: 11 min.
Color count: 1

Files Included:
6 formats: .pes .dst .jef .hus .exp .xxx
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print

If you have any questions, comments or issues please feel free to contact us using our form on the following link HERE.