This custom anime machine embroidery design and pattern features the Dragonball character Goku in his Super Saiyan Ultra form closeup.
When the technique fully manifests, Gokū’s eyes and hair become a distinctive silver coloration. His hair remains raised slightly and his aura remains crystalline—though, in addition to blues and whites, it now sports purple and red hues as well and is noticeably brighter. In the anime, the user gains a complex silver and blue aura consisting of rippling, fire-like energy, complete with sparkling particles of a magenta color
If you want to create your own custom anime embroidery project that features Goku Ultra closeup, here is what is included in this package and pattern.
Large Design Properties:
Width: 7 inches
Height: 4 inches
Stitch count: 17,740
Sewing time: 54 min.
Color count: 6
Medium Design Properties:
Width: 5 inches
Height: 3 inches
Stitch count: 17,709
Sewing time: 54 min.
Color count: 6
Small Design Properties:
Width: 3 inches
Height: 2 inches
Stitch count: 17,253
Sewing time: 53 min.
Color count: 6
Files Included:
6 formats: .pes .dst .hus .exp .jef .xxx
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print
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