Embroidery Pattern Fairy Swing


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This custom machine embroidery design and pattern features a Fairy on a swing.


Fairies have taken a wide variety of forms within European folklore and literature. Some fairies were beautiful and graceful. Others were hideous to look upon. Others still, a mix of traits. In modern times the term fairy is most commonly used to describe beautiful, feminine-looking fairies that tend to have the wings of a butterfly or other flying insect, while other beings traditionally thought of as types of fairies that don’t match this description tend to go by more specific names.

If you want to create your own custom embroidery project that features a green fairy on a swing, here is what is included in this package and pattern.


Large Design Properties:
Width: 6 inches
Height: 7 inches
Stitch count: 57,497
Sewing time: 140 min.
Color count: 15

Medium Design Properties:
Width: 4 inches
Height: 5 inches
Stitch count: 43,242
Sewing time: 109 min.
Color count: 15

Small Design Properties:
Width: 2 inches
Height: 3 inches
Stitch count: 28,109
Sewing time: 75 min.
Color count: 15

Files Included:
6 formats: .pes .dst .vip .exp .jef .xxx
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print

If you have any questions, comments, or you just want to reach out to us and share some of the custom embroidery projects you have done with our designs you can use the contact form on our site HERE.