Embroidery Pattern Fortnite Battle Royal



This custom machine embroidery design and pattern features the Fortnite video game  Battle Royal logo.


A Victory Royale, also called a ‘win’, or a ‘dub’, is given to the last solo, duo, squad, or large team alive in Fortnite: Battle Royale. When you get your first Victory Royale, you get an umbrella, and if it is your first win on that season, an umbrella specific to the season that you won it in. There is also a emote called Sign Spinner where you can spin the Victory Royale sign. You will only get an umbrella if it is a Solo, Duo, or Squad win, or a certain LTM with a certain umbrella for that LTM.

If you want to create your own custom video game embroidery project featuring the Battle Royale banner from the video game Fortnite, here is what is included in this package and pattern.


Large Design Properties:
Width: 6 inches
Height: 4 inches
Stitch count: 40,352
Sewing time: 100 min.
Color count: 3

Medium Design Properties:
Width: 5 inches
Height: 3 inches
Stitch count: 24,787
Sewing time: 62 min.
Color count: 3

Small Design Properties:
Width: 3 inches
Height: 2 inches
Stitch count: 9,484
Sewing time: 30 min.
Color count: 3

Files Included:
4 formats: .pes .vip .jef .hus
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print

If you have any questions, comments, or you just want to reach out to us and share some of the custom embroidery projects you have done with our designs you can use the contact form on our site HERE.