Embroidery Pattern Spiderman Slinger Style



This custom embroidery design and pattern features the character Spiderman showing some web slinger style.


Traditional Red and Blue Suit: This is the traditional suit that Spider-Man has used throughout his superhero career. It is made from a skintight cloth, most likely Spandex or something similar. The costume is mostly blue with red gloves, boots, mid-section, and mask. Peter designed a web pattern that covers the red portions of the suit, starting at the mask. The suit also has a black spider in the center of the chest and a larger red spider on the back, both of different designs.

If you want to create your own custom embroidery project that features Spiderman showing some web slinger style, here is what is included in this package and pattern.


Large Design Properties:
Width: 142 mm
Height: 128 mm
Stitch count: 20,161
Sewing time: 47 min.
Color count: 4

Medium Design Properties:
Width: 97 mm
Height: 88 mm
Stitch count: 14,333
Sewing time: 32 min.
Color count: 4

Small Design Properties:
Width: 76 mm
Height: 69 mm
Stitch count: 11,328
Sewing time:  25 min.
Color count: 4

Files Included:
6 formats: .pes .dst .hus .jef .xxx .exp
3 sizes: Large Medium Small
1 color chart
1 image print

If you have any questions, comments, or you just want to reach out to us and share some of the custom embroidery projects you have done with our designs you can use the contact form on our site HERE.